The New Girl (The New Girl: A Graphic Novel #1)


Author: Cassandra Calin

Goodbye, old life ... Lia and her family are waiting to board a flight across the Atlantic, leaving behind family, friends and Romania—the only home Lia has ever known. But Lia’s heartache is overshadowed by the discomfort of her first period. As if things weren’t difficult enough! Now Lia is thrust into a world where everything is different: her home, her language and even her body. With so many changes happening at once, Lia struggles with her schoolwork, has trouble communicating with classmates and has no idea how to manage her unpleasant periods. Will she ever feel like herself again?

Age Recommendation: 9-12

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781761527654
Number of pages 192
Width 140 Millimeters
Thickness 10 Millimeters
Height 203 Millimeters